BMC Air Filter, a global leader in high-performance air filter production, is proud to announce a new partnership with M-Sport Ford. This collaboration marks an important milestone in BMC's journey of innovation and performance, as the company will support the team with advanced technical solutions and air filters designed to withstand the extreme conditions of the world’s most challenging rally.
The Dakar, renowned for its extreme environmental conditions and challenging terrains, demands top-level reliability and performance. Thanks to BMC's advanced air filter technology, M-Sport Ford will benefit from optimal airflow for its vehicles, reducing the risk of malfunctions caused by dust, sand, and debris—typical elements of the rally.
Founded by Gaetano Bergami in Medicina, near Bologna, BMC once again proves to be a reliable presence that supports major motorsport brands, and beyond, in achieving ambitious goals. BMC is synonymous with quality, and the trust placed in it by a company like Ford and a solid team like M-Sport only enhances the value of the company's work.
Motorsport is part of BMC Air Filter’s DNA, and the numerous partnerships it has built over time are proof of this. BMC was born for motorsport and has worked hard to bring racing expertise into its aftermarket street products. This mission has been largely successful for the Emilia-based company.
Today, BMC Air Filter offers unparalleled knowledge and technologies, enabling top-level performance in all competitions. With this latest collaboration, BMC will demonstrate that even in extreme conditions, such as off-road racing, its products continue to guarantee performance and quality.
Ford, together with M-Sport, will field a new vehicle for the queen of rally raid racing: the Ford Raptor T1+, which was unveiled at the Goodwood Festival of Speed. The team will aim to conquer the 2025 Dakar Rally, which will take place in Saudi Arabia.
The crews announced so far already signal that the American automaker is aiming high: Carlos Sainz, a 4-time Dakar winner (including his latest victory in 2024) and 2-time World Rally Raid Champion; Nani Roma, winner of two Dakars, one on a motorcycle and one in a car; Mattias Ekström and Mitch Guthrie.
Fuor men with a record to be envied, and BMC Air Filter is proud to provide them with products and technologies to achieve great goals together.
Today 3rd of January 2025 marks the beginning of the 47th edition of the Dakar. We can’t be prouder of this new adventure.
A new challenge lies ahead, one that will be faced with the same ambition and pursuit of perfection as always, alongside two giants like Ford and M-Sport.